7Pot Bubblegum Yellow


Chump-O-Meter: Heat Level 8. Click to learn more!

Availability: In stock

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  • 10+ Seeds
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  • Expertly Grown by ChilliChump

Introducing the 7 Pot Bubblegum Yellow—a captivating chilli variety that stands out for its vibrant appearance and formidable heat. Originally it was cultivated by British breeder Jon Harper and is a cross between the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and the Trinidad Yellow 7 Pot.

One of the most striking features of the 7 Pot Bubblegum Yellow is its “bleeding” effect, where the yellow hue of the pod extends into the calyx and stem, creating a visually stunning display. The pods mature to a bright yellow, offering a fruity flavour with pleasant citrus notes, making them an excellent choice for enhancing fish or chicken dishes.

In terms of heat, the 7 Pot Bubblegum Yellow is exceptionally hot, with Scoville Heat Units (SHU) ranging from 850,000 to 1,000,000. While it may be slightly milder than other Bubblegum variants, it still delivers a significant punch, so handle with care.

This variety is also known for its productivity, yielding an abundance of pods per plant. I found the pods to be on the smaller side, but that could be because of the season we have just had. Still, its a stunning chilli variety.

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